Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Does the green tea lower blood sugar or other benefits for those who suffer from the limit or type II diabetes?

Researchers continue to investigate these issues. There are several advantages of May, depending on the strength of tea, or in the case of a supplement, the activity of the extract.

In the latest study, researchers studied 35 male volunteers aged between 23 and 63. The average fasting blood glucose were lower in men who drank a stronger brew. "It is a concentration of 3% as opposed to a concentration of 1%.

Since a larger mixing time also increases the caffeine content of tea, it is not clear what the active compound in the leaves of May. This has been an issue for a while.

The leaves contain catechins, several types of natural caffeine and other polyphenols. The catechins are known for their antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are beneficial for people suffering from type II diabetes for several reasons.

But if you ask, does green tea lower blood sugar, by itself, the answer appears to be "no." There have been several studies on animals show that the plant improves glucose tolerance and metabolism.

One of the dangers of high glucose levels interfere with the heart, kidneys and other organs. Glucose, which is normally used by cells for energy, is beginning to damage the cells, instead. After all these years, the condition is not yet well understood.

In type I diabetes, are insufficient or no insulin production is the problem. In type II diabetes, there are two problems. Production of insulin is reduced, which is caused by damage to specialized cells that produce it, the insulin sensitivity is reduced, which means that cells do not recognize the insulin and can not use glucose for energy. Without it, energy supply, many cells begin to die.

Researchers have begun to consider the matter, green tea can lower blood sugar, because it is sometimes used for this purpose in the Asian countries. What they found is that it seems to improve insulin sensitivity and possibly allow the cells to use glucose for energy. In addition, in May it help people lose weight, a problem for most people with type II diabetes.

People with normal glucose levels need not be concerned about the issue, not green tea lower blood sugar. There is no indication that it has an effect on the normal production of insulin or glucose transfer.

People who are looking for a specific complement of type II diabetes and borderline May be interested in a multi-ingredient dietary supplement that contains minerals, antioxidants, black cumin, bitter melon, milk thistle extract and tea green. These ingredients work together to improve insulin sensitivity and repair of the damage was done to insulin-producing cells.

It is hoped that the information contained in this article has helped answer the question, green tea can lower blood sugar. Regarding supplements go, you get better results and more value for your money from multiple rather than single ingredients. I

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