Sunday, January 18, 2009

Discovery Health Ways To Eat to improve skin

Here's a look at ways of eating healthy to improve the quality of the skin. You need protein, complex carbohydrates, fats and nutrients that are necessary for good health. Some are simply more important than others. Let's start with fish.

In a recent study, the researchers concluded that after three months, a daily supplement of fish oil improved skin firmness by about 10%. Fish oil is one of the best sources about omega 3 fatty acids. Most nutritionists recommend eating fatty fish like salmon and mackerel three to five times a week.

One of the unique things about salmon is that it is a dietary source of vitamin D. Most foods do not contain vitamin D. Our skin synthesizes UV rays of the sun. But in our effort to reduce the risk of skin cancer, use creams that contain a sunscreen, a compound that prevents UV rays penetrate the skin. As he does, it inhibits the skin's ability to create vitamin D.

Thus, eating salmon on a regular basis can help prevent vitamin D and it is one way of eating healthy to improve the appearance of skin and the water content because it contains essential fatty acids which are the main component of the skin's natural oils. It is also a good source of vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain healthy skin.

You might not know, but the skin cells and are composed of fiber or protein. Salmon is a source of highly digestible protein. If you do not like fish, eggs are full of protein and very nutritious. They are another of the few sources of vitamin D.

Eat complex carbohydrates, like fruits and vegetables are among the ways to eat healthy to improve the skin for several reasons. Complex carbohydrates are converted into glucose and glucose is a component of hyaluronic acid, which helps keep skin cells together. The low level of hyaluronic acid cause sagging and dark circles under the eyes. The other elements necessary for the organization to the hyaluronic acid are amino acids, found in proteins.

Fruits rich in vitamin C are needed as a cofactor of the body to form collagen fibers. Orange vegetables such as carrots contain vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain healthy skin and appearance. Lawyers are a good source of vitamin E, another important nutrient for the skin. So, you know that eating healthy ways to improve the quality of the skin include the choice of a variety of food groups and eating some of each every day.

Ultimately, you should wash your face and body every day with a mild cleanser and then moisturize to avoid excessive dryness. The best moisturizers are based on vegetable oils that penetrate deeply and do not feel fat. Worse, those that contain petrolatum. Now that you know more about the ways of eating healthy to improve your skin, you could learn more about cosmetic ingredients and how they work against you.

To learn more about vitamins for healthy skin and other natural substances incredible natural healthy skin care, visit my website today

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